Mistakes Were Made

Chicago 2020. Photo by Charles Rex


First, in 2017, the Trump administration fought against and prevented protections for health workers in case of a pandemic.


Second, in 2018 the Trump administration dismantled the pandemic team which was in place.  They considered it to  be a waste of money and something which would never be needed.



Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Third, the U.S, probably should have taken up the offer for a COVID 19 test for the World Health Organization in January 2020.  Did they reject these tests because they thought the virus risk was not serious?  Were they just being stupid or foolhardy? Or were they interested in making money off of the tests?

Did US ‘Refuse’ COVID-19 Testing Kits from the World Health Organization?

More information:



Author: artremedy20

I'm a visual artist, painter, poet, puppeteer and performer. I've been writing blog posts since 2008. I also curate and install some of the exhibitions here at the library of the University of Detroit Mercy. Also, since 1980, I've shown my work at various art galleries and museums. I still do so.

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